Homemade Kombucha – Super easy, healthy and delicious

Making your own kombucha is so fucking simple I don’t know why anyone would pay $4 a bottle for it. All you need to make your own kombucha is:

– A bottle of kombucha

– a piece of a light cloth (something that breathes)

-a rubber band

– a bowl

– Black tea

– Sugar

-Bottles with a rubber top to trap carbonation

Basically, you can use the bacteria from a store-bought bottle of kombucha to grow more kombucha. All you have to do is brew a few bags of black tea in like 2 cups of water, add 1/4 cup of sugar, let it cool to room temperature and mix it with the liquid and chunky bits of your store-bought kombucha.

Then all you have to do is cover it with your breathable piece of fabric and secure it with a rubber-band. Set that in a cupboard in a warm area for 4-7 days until it has a nice little pancake of film (the scoby) resting on the top. Then  all you have to do is brew more tea w/ sugar and add it to the mix to continue to feed the kombucha (remember to let it cool or it will kill the bacteria.)

Should take about two weeks total to brew a batch and be able to bottle the liquid and keep the mother for additional batches. You can taste the mix as you go along and judge for yourself when you think it is done. It should be slightly carbonated and as sweet or sour as you like it (too sour? add more sugar!) I like to bottle mine with about 1/3 fruit juice and sliced ginger. Makes a super healthy and refreshing drink straight out of the fridge. YUM!